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OtsZone: Create User Profile

Use this form to create a new OtsZone.com user profile. If you already have a profile please use the Registered Users Login Form.

NOTE: As Microsoft/Hotmail/Outlook are currently blocking mails from OtsZone, if using one of those you should complain to Microsoft and/or if possible use a different email address for your profile to ensure you receive important OtsZone notification emails.

Prompts in bold text indicate compulsory fields.

New User Profile

Email Address:

Confirm Email:*

  * Enter your current email address in both email fields. Your email address should be in the form: username@some.domain. An email will be sent to this address. You must read and follow the instructions in this email to activate your user profile.


Confirm Password:*

  * Your password should be at least 6 characters and made up of lettters, numbers and characters.

Personal Details

First Name:

Last Name:


Street Address:



Zip/Postal Code:


Contact Phone Number:*

  * Please include your local area code.

Password Security Options

If you forget the password to your account, you will have to provide OtsZone with the answers you provide here.

Question 1:

Answer 1:*

  * Please choose a simple one-word response.

Question 2:*

  * This question must be different to the question chosen above.

Answer 2:

Subscription Options

Product Announcements:*

  * Receive mail when new versions of software are available and very occasional VIP offers.

OtsZone News:*

  * Receive news and OtsZone special offers including a few additional VIP offers (we NEVER share your address with third parties and we only send email very rarely - on the order of several times per year - even with this option selected).

Text Only Email:*

  * Select this if you prefer to get emails in plain text, or if you have an email filter that blocks email with attachments.

Referral Information

Where did you hear about Ots products:

Additional Comments:

How would you describe yourself: